What is this madness!? After being completely gone since April 1st (it's really been that long, trust me, I checked), I'm back and hoping to get this up and running again. Needless to say, ending last school year virtually and starting up this school year virtually have definitely been exhausting for me. I'm back though, and I'm really going to try and get this blog up and running again. I'm not going to make a ton of excuses, but, in my defense, this first marking period, I barely did any of my usual hobbies. I think I might have read most of one book, I barely colored, scrapbooked, etc. It really was a lot of me doing work for school, work for grad school and planning my wedding. "What's that?" you say. "You went and got engaged and did blog about it!?" Yeah, that happened. Bryan proposed right before the school year started, and in true me fashion, I tried to get as much done as humanly possible in the shortest amount of time possible. Needless to say, it's been a whirlwind.
I really do want to get this blog going again, not that I think a lot of people read it. If you do, I'm so glad you're taking the time to read about my mundane life. It has been pretty hard with quarantine, I'm definitely feeling a lot of pressure and trying to stay as busy as possible. With how much is going on during the day, however, I'm usually so burned out by the time I'm done for the day that I just lay around and watch television. Seriously, that's about all I've been doing the past few weeks. Bryan and I spend our weekends playing a lot of board games (I know this is quite shocking to those who know us), and we've been doing a little bit of hiking too. With the weather getting cooler, however, it is getting a bit harder to get out and do things. As a result, I've definitely been trying to figure out some stuff we can do on our own inside. I signed us up for DateBox Club, which is a date night subscription service. It's been a lot of fun, and we've had some wonderful date nights right here. Oh, did I forget to mention that Bryan came to stay with us for a few weeks in April, and now it's halfway through November and he's still here? Yeah, that happened. I love having him around all the time. Anyway, I digress. We also started a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle two nights ago, which has been absolutely exhausting. I never knew you could actually work up a sweat doing a jigsaw puzzle, and yet, I did. We spent an hour and a half on it yesterday and barely made a dent. This is definitely going to be a long-term project of ours.
I'm proud to announce that I not only finished one book yesterday, but I immediately started another one shortly thereafter. I'm quite proud of that, as, like I said, I've barely cracked any books lately. Unfortunately, that means I've become one of those people who show up to book club and say, "Sorry guys, I didn't read the book." I'm working on that though, if only I could find some of the books I know I own for book club, but I have no idea where in the world they are in my personal library. I keep telling myself there are only so many places they can be, but those so many places seem to be a lot of places.
So, anyway, I'm back, I have some blogging ideas, and I'm ready to get this blog up and running again. It's going to be a lot of different things, just like before: what's going on in my life, books I've read, my craft projects, etc. So, keep coming back to see what we're up to!
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