Now, I know what you're thinking: "Christina, your trip isn't for three months, why are you getting scrapbooking materials ready now?" Well, the answer is quite simple: why not? In my mind, it's better to start sooner rather than later, especially when you know you're going to have a huge monstrosity of a project to tackle. It has also given me the opportunity to start collecting supplies at a slightly cheaper rate as I see them appear (but more about that later).
Right now, I'm in the pre-planning stage of my scrapbook, because I have no photos to actual scrapbook from my trip. I'm simply collecting ideas and some supplies (okay, a lot of supplies) based on the rides and activities I know Bryan and I are going to do at Disney World (which is definitely something I'll be talking a lot about later).
One thing that's important to know about me is my unhealthy addiction to Pinterest. I seriously love it and can't get enough of it. It's actually a bit of a problem because I don't see it as social media (even though it technically is), so I'm on it all the time without realizing just how much time I've wasted. With that being said, of course I created a Pinterest board. At first, everything was dumped together as I jumped from board to board that other people created, pinning every single idea or cute clipart that I came across. Within two days, I had over a thousand pins to my board, and there was no rhyme or reason to how they were pinned. I needed a better system. Thankfully, Pinterest realized this a while back and created sections, which is a part of the platform I've come to love and use extensively. I set aside a huge chunk of time and created sections for every little thing I pinned. I created sections for characters, parks, rides, movies, locations and even one for our hotel. It didn't take long for me to have over 90 sections on my Scrapbooking Disney board.
A quick glimpse at just a small portion of my Scrapbooking Disney Pinterest board. |
What's in each section varies based on the section. As you can see from the picture of my board above, there's only one lonely pin in my 101 Dalmatians section, which is because those characters (ie: Cruella de Vil) really only comes out for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party, but I saw that journaling card, thought it was cute and pinned it, just in case. There's nothing wrong with pinning something; it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
The Lilo and Stitch section of my Scrapbooking Disney Pinterest board. |
A lot of my sections have a wide range of different types of pins. I found some websites that sell adorable Disney scrapbooking materials (mostly paper), so I pinned different paper pads or open stock paper to see if I want them later on down the line when we get back from our trip. You can see that in the above screenshot from my Lilo and Stitch section of my Pinterest board (the first two pins). I also pinned any layouts that I like relating to that section. Now, this doesn't mean I'm going to use every single layout that I've pinned; I just like having options. I might take bits and pieces from different pinned layouts, or I might create something entirely different. I have no idea, it will depend on what I want represented on that particular page.
The Minnie Mouse section of my Scrapbooking Disney Pinterest board. |
You'll notice on my pages that there are a lot of blank notecards. I very rarely used to journal on my scrapbooking pages; I often just put the pictures and some embellishments down and called it a day. Now, however, I've gotten more into journaling to capture the emotions, information and memories associated with the particular photos. Obviously I won't use all of the journaling cards I've pinned (the Minnie Mouse one alone has four different journaling cards). Like I said before, I just want options. Once I have my Minnie Mouse pictures and know the colors I'm going to use for that layout, I'll be able to better select a journaling card that will work with the page.
Feel free to check out my Scrapbooking Disney Pinterest board in all its glory by clicking here.
Pinterest isn't the only way I've started preparing for my Disney scrapbook. I've started buying some supplies. Almost all of my supplies have come from a secondhand scrapbooking group I'm a part of on Facebook. It's a great group and a wonderful place to get embellishments and supplies for amazing discounts. Of course, it doesn't work if you just want to buy one or two things, since you also have to pay for shipping, but if you want to buy a lot and build up your stash, it's a great place to start.
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Some of my generic Disney World scrapbook embellishments. |
Some of the embellishments I've bought so far are fairly generic, like the ones above (how cute are those little Mickey Mouse buttons!?). I know quite a few people stay away from licensed and event-specific things such as these, but my mentality is: I'm only going to make one Disney World scrapbook, I might as well make it the most Disney-est thing I've ever created.
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Some of my Disney Princess scrapbook embellishments. |
Now, there are some risks with buying things for a vacation that's three months away. The most obvious is the fact that I don't know exactly what I'll need. For example, I won't know if we're going to see Aurora, Cinderella or Snow White, but I still have stickers for all three of these princesses. It's a dangerous game to play, but they were also incredibly cheap (much cheaper than if I had bought them in the store), so to me it was well worth the risk.
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Paper I've started putting aside for my Disney scrapbook. |
In addition to collecting supplies, I've also been watching the "A Most Magical Scrapbook" class by Shimelle Laine. It is something you have to pay for it ($25), but it's over 40 videos, and you have complete access to them, which means you can watch them as many times as you want. If paying for scrapbooking videos isn't something you want to do, which I totally get, Shimelle also has a YouTube channel that includes a Disney scrapbooking playlist. It's only a few videos, and it doesn't include any of the videos in her "A Most Magical Scrapbook" class, but they're just as wonderful and informative. She breaks down how to select pictures, paper and embellishments and make a large scrapbook flow together.
Even though my trip is three months away, I've already started the tentative planning for my scrapbook. I know this scrapbook is going to be a huge undertaking, so there will be plenty of posts about it in the weeks after my trip.
Tune in next week to learn about the decision making process Bryan and I went through while picking our hotel and the bumps we had along the way.
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