Monday, October 14, 2019
Welcome to Rambling Insights!
I guess the first thing I should come out and say is that I'm incredibly impulsive. My mom started a blog, and I blogged on and off through college, so I thought I'd copy my mom and give this a shot again. Honestly, the timing couldn't be better. Right now, my life is as calm as can be expected for someone who teaches middle school full time and is a part time grad student, but I know some big changes are coming up in the next few weeks and months. I know I'll probably be the only person who reads this blog, and that's okay. Hopefully, a few years down the road, I'll be glad I wrote everything down somewhere. Normally that would be a journal, but I've tried journaling in the past and just didn't get into it as much. I know I go through phases, and I get really interested in one thing and perseverate on it for a few weeks before moving on, so I expect the same with this blog. But who knows? I may surprise myself and actually keep it up for longer than a few weeks. My goal is to post here at least once a week, but I also know that sometimes life gets in the way. I feel like once a week is a good goal, and we'll see where it goes from there. So, welcome to my rambling insights!
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Welcome to Rambling Insights!I guess the first thing I should come out and say is that I'm incredibly impulsive. My mom started a blog, and I blogged on and off through college, so I thought I'd copy my mom and give this a shot again. Honestl… Read More
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